And I never make a mess in the kitchen. |
More restoration of an 1863 house. |
Isaac's first fishing trip. Oregon 1980. |
Take out the garbage? Yeah, right. |
My newspaper companion, Isaac. |
On a riverboat trip. |
Sometime in 1980-81. |
Sarah and Isaac go fishing with Dad. Oregon 1980. |
My sister Susan, in Florida. |
A Florida trio. |
Not a great picture. Dad and Donald, 1970 or 71. |
With a very teeny Sarah, 1970. |
Adventureland. |
Becky and I in the dining room. |
Sarah pregnant with Molly. |
Put Tom Knight's creativity, people skills, gentle good humor and knowledge of computers to work for you. This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.