A pre-school pageant. California, 1976. |
think an Easter outfit. California, 1976 |
Kindergarten? First Grade? |
About seven. |
In the delivery room about five minutes after Isaac's birth. |
Oh, she can mug for the camera. |
Rachel the Pom-Pom girl. |
Rachel's eighth birthday. Oregon, 1980. |
Rachel and Auntie Beth on an adventure. Oregon, 1980. |
An interesting timetable? Oregon, 1980. |
On some project or another. |
Sarah, Jenny and Rachel mug for the camera. |
Rachel Knight, softball girl. On the Santa Maria Babes, if you can believe that for a team name. |
Christmas, 1984 |
But Father, this is the end of this page. |
Put Tom Knight's
creativity, people skills, gentle good humor and knowledge of
computers to work for you.
This page created on a Macintosh using
by John A. Vink.