future pitcher. He was too! |
Ben at six months. California. March 1976. |
Another shot is his walker. |
Ben at eleven months. California. August 1976. |
Ben at eleven months. California. August 1976. |
Some of us are just born cool. |
Ben at twenty months gets up early to fix himself breakfast. |
"But, Mommy..." |
The evidence. |
Tats on the belly. Those must have hurt. |
Astoria, Oregon. Summer 1980. |
A little Ben and a one-hour-old Isaac. |
Clean living young men. |
Helper boy. Oregon 1980. |
a ride on Dad. C. 1979. |
Put Tom Knight's creativity, people skills, gentle good humor and knowledge of computers to work for you. This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.